Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Rumors and Expectations
Now it's no secret that GameFreak already has a new mainseries game in production. Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon were announced along with Pokken Tournament DX (Nintendo Switch).
At the time, fans were seriously hyped for a directer's cut version of the Sun and Moon game duo such as previous titles had. An example being Pokémon Emerald - A directer's cut of Ruby and Sapphire.
It was no surprise that (due to all the hype, false rumors, and speculation going around) many fans were disappointed upon the announcement. Now many of you are probably asking "Why are you pointing this out?". I'll tell you why.
For the past seven years - Yes, seven - Nintendo has been trailing all theories and rumors. Most specifically: Ones that had the most hype.
Look at the Pokémon Z theory for example. Looking at all speculation videos from around the X&Y time frame, you can see several Pokémon Z theory videos. Now I'm no Albert Einstein, but I'm pretty sure that they all add up to around 500 million views. That's a hella lot of views.
Again your asking why I'm saying this. Well, to boil the long and complicated explaination down, my theory is this:
Nintendo NEVER does anything remotely similar to fan speculation. I'll let that sink in. Figure the rest out by yourself.
Although it's not the Stars game many YouTubers spammed for, it's still a pretty hopeful title. Let's take a look back at what we know so far....
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were announced on June 6 by the game's directer Junichi Masuda in a Pokémon Direct video on YouTube.
There a fifteen second teaser was shown, revealing what appeared to be advanced graphics, new areas, Dusk Lycanroc, Mimikyu' s true form, new Z-moves, and also what appeared to be Solgaleo/Lunala fusions with Necrozma.
At the time, many wondered what the heck the shadow leaping in front of the sun actually was. It has now been revealed as Dusk Lycanroc. Case closed.
What is not yet explained however is Mimikyu's appearance along with the legendary animals with battle armor.
Now I know I stated 'Mimikyu's true form' earlier, but it's just a fan theory at the moment. Nothing has been confirmed at this time.
Now for the main event. The gladiators of Pokémon:
*Insert drum roll here*
All jokes aside, the new amped-up versions of the legendary duo seems pretty neat. It's obvious to any true Pokémon fan that the 'armor' they are wearing is to be (or seems to be) peices of Necrozma. While it's still unown (Get it?) at the time whether or not this is true, it's still an interesting thing to consider. Is the DNA Splicers going to make a comeback? Or is this some strange Z-Power phenomenon?
Now the newest peice of info we got is that there is to be something called Alola Photo Club.
Apparently you dress your 'lil munchkin up like a pretty princess and take photos. Soooo fun, I know. But whatever. Kids will dig it.
That's it for confirmed information. Let's move on now, shall we?
SOOO the main (and pretty much the only) rumor going around is the possibly to transport your little critters from Pokémon GO to your mainseries title.
Now before you all say "That's not possible!" , think again. Some hackers dug deep into a Pokémon Sun's data cartridge and found working codecs for the mobile game. All it lacked was a way to transport.
Let's just say GameFreak manages to pull it off....How would the Pokémon be ranked? As almost everyone knows by now , Pokémon GO's leveling system is on a completely different level. There's Poké Candy, Stardust, and the Pokémon's power is measured by the total CP they have. Feeling confused yet? If you are you'd better lie down, because there is still a long way to go.
Now let's take all that you just learned from my mini gaming lecture and convert it to IV's, EV's, Level, Exp, and possibly affection. Seems impossible right? I wouldn't doubt you for thinking so.
Taking a maxed out CP Alakazam (which is normally around 5000 CP) and dividing it by five times the number of CP it gets from a single dose of Candy and Stardust. That's around 4 CP. Let's count the CP as levels. Now add all the CP from all the doses it gets to fully power-up.
That leaves a whopping level of 1,250! Now let's divide it by-
You know what? You get the picture.
My Expectations
Well I can't really expect anything to WOW me whatsoever in the new games.
Before you start throwing sticks and stones at me, just listen. They were already pushing the hardware compatibility with Sun and Moon, thus leaving key features out of the games for new content. Such as, you may ask? Here's some examples:
- Unable to sit down at any chair you please
- No proper ladder animation such as in ORAS
- No gate animation
- Lags in animation
Not that big of a deal to me, but for the gaming hobo down the street, it's a big thing.
Not to say I don't believe in the new games at all. No, I believe they are going to do SOMETHING with them. Not exactly what yet, but the release date is November 17th so I guess we have to wait to know.
Well, that's it for my article. Hope you enjoyed it, and also hope you check out the other articles from my comrades on Pokézone!
Flying off,
- Thrakon Deus
- Thrakon Deus
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